Verfügbarkeit:Vollzeit-, Halbzeit-, Haus- und Abwesenheitsdaten für verschiedene Jahreszeiten.
Match-Daten:Historische Match-Daten für verschiedene Jahreszeiten, einschließlich Punkten, Odds, Ecken, Handicaps, Over/under, rote und gelbe Karten und andere Live-Spieldetails.
Spielerdaten:Spielerprotokolle, einschließlich Tore, saubere Blätter und Durchgänge.
There are six rounds in the German Cup. For the first round, the 64 teams are split into two pots of 32. The first pot contains 18 teams of the Bundesliga and 14 teams of the 2. Bundesliga. The second pot contains the bottom 4 teams of the 2. Bundesliga and 28 teams from the 3. Liga and amateur teams. Teams from the first pot are drawn against teams from the second pot. Teams from the second pot can play the game at home. All games are single-legged. Extra time (15 minutes each for the first half and the second half) will be played if the scores are level after 90 minutes with a penalty shootout following if needed.