Verfügbarkeit:Vollzeit-, Halbzeit-, Haus- und Abwesenheitsdaten für verschiedene Jahreszeiten.
Match-Daten:Historische Match-Daten für verschiedene Jahreszeiten, einschließlich Punkten, Odds, Ecken, Handicaps, Over/under, rote und gelbe Karten und andere Live-Spieldetails.
Spielerdaten:Spielerprotokolle, einschließlich Tore, saubere Blätter und Durchgänge.
There are 18 clubs in the Primeira Liga. During the course of a season, each club plays against all teams for twice (one at their home stadium and one at their opponents’). The teams will be ranked according to the points, and if the teams get same points, then the rank will be ordered by: Head-to-head record; Goal difference; Goals scored.The top 3 teams will be qualified for the UEFA Champions League. Teams placed fourth and fifth will play in the UEFA Europa League, along with the Portugal champion of Campeonato Nacional. The last but two team will play in the play-out, and the last 2 teams will be relegated to the Segunda Liga.