Verfügbarkeit:Vollzeit-, Halbzeit-, Haus- und Abwesenheitsdaten für verschiedene Jahreszeiten.
Match-Daten:Historische Match-Daten für verschiedene Jahreszeiten, einschließlich Punkten, Odds, Ecken, Handicaps, Over/under, rote und gelbe Karten und andere Live-Spieldetails.
Spielerdaten:Spielerprotokolle, einschließlich Tore, saubere Blätter und Durchgänge.
The competition is divided into four rounds. In the first round, 12 teams are divided into three groups for single-legged games. The top two teams and the third places of each group will advance to the quarter-finals (if teams are tied, the promotion will be decided b the group goal difference, goals, head-to-head results,head-to-head goal difference and head-to-head goals). The the quarter-finals, semi-finals, third-place match and final are all single-legged. If there is a tie within 90 minutes, a 30-minute extra time will be conducted with a penalty shoot-out followed if necessary. Remarks: if the third-place match and the final are conducted together, a penalty kick will be directly held when there is a tie.